The First EHNS Academy Course
Alba, Italy - September 1st-6th, 2025

Radiological vs Surgical vs Pathological Anatomy
A course proposing the comparative study of radiological vs surgical anatomy in 3D, in open neck and inside-out approach, to improve the diagnostic work-up, the therapeutic planning, and the pathological evaluation of head and neck malignancies, in a multidisciplinary approach. A course proposing the comparative study of radiological vs surgical anatomy in 3D, in open neck and inside-out approach, to improve the diagnostic work-up, the therapeutic planning, and the pathological evaluation of head and neck malignancies.
In head and neck, the need to improve the quality of life after treatments has favored the introduction of therapeutic strategies aimed at minimizing morbidity and the negative impact on patients. This has given great impetus to the development of minimally invasive therapies, both surgical and non-surgical. In this context, the imaging assumes a prominent and crucial role in patient selection for multimodal therapies. This first European Course, sponsored by the European Head and Neck Society (EHNS) and the European Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ESHNR) aims to provide a complete anatomical, radiological, surgical, pathological, and oncological overview of the head and neck district, to improve the diagnostic work-up and therapeutic approach to different pathologies, according to the most modern protocols. The course will be organized in 6 daily modules, each dedicated to a single head and neck region.
Directors : Roberto Maroldi, I. - Patrizia Morbini, I. Giovanni Succo, I. - Alessandro Vercelli, I. |
Course Venue Ferrero Fondation Strada di Mezzo 44 - Alba Italy (I) |
The program of each day includes:
• in the morning → an anatomical lecture, followed by an extensive overview on radiological anatomy, held by experienced Head and Neck Radiologist, completed by Key-note lectures on radiological pearls and pitfalls and interventional procedures
• at lunch → a symposium managed by pathologists focused on the aspects influencing the specimen evaluation
• in the afternoon → comparative study of surgical anatomy, in open neck vs inside-out approach, projected in 3d and commented simultaneously in different relive procedures by skilled head / neck surgeons
• at the end of each day → a multidisciplinary consensus debriefing will be held.